About Misterhost.net
Misterhost.net Host is a privately-owned company founded in year 2013 and located in NY, Ontario and Vienna. At Mister Host, they consider every one of customers to be a part of family. The goal is to provide outstanding services for the best possible price.
To achieve these goals they are constantly innovating and upgrading services at no additional cost to our customers. Come and join the thousands of other website owners that have already chosen Mister Host and see how they can help you with your site.
Misterhost Web Hosting provider’s hosting prices are pretty low for the features on offer. You can choose a billing cycle from monthly to triennial, and first-time customers get a 30-day money-back guarantee to mitigate the commitment risk. You can pay using PayPal or a credit card.
Unfortunately, this vendor falters when it comes to support. No knowledge base is evident unless you have to log in to access it, although there are a few FAQs and video tutorials. You can supposedly access one-to-one support via telephone, live chat, or online form (for pre-sales). Unfortunately, my contact form submission received no response, and no agents connected up to my out-of-hours live chat.
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Partners | Overview |
Company Name | Misterhost Web Hosting |
Starting Price | Money Back 30 Days |
Money Back | 30 DAYS |
Company Type | Web Hosting |
Features | 24/7 customer support, Secure and hassle-free, Flexible billing |
Location | France |
Website Url | Click Here To Visit Company Official Website |
Start to sell online today in 3 different reselling levels!
KVM VPS Plans with isolated resources & raid10 protected.
Common Operating Systems
Operating systems including Linux, Windows, BSD and Solaris. KVM allocates isolated resources for each virtual machine.
Guaranteed Resources
On every KVM VPS are the resources guaranteed as stated. Hardware resources will never be oversold or overloaded.
DDoS Protection
Misterhost.NET is committed to protect your project 24/7 against any type of DDoS attack, regardless of duration or size.
Why choose Misterhost.NET?
The Story of Misterhost.NET
Misterhost.NET (Baftir Sejdini) was founded in year 2013 (9 years in business with different owners) and now it’s located and regulated in Vienna, the national capital of Austria. At Misterhost.NET, we consider every one of customers to be a part of our family and we respect them as members and not as numbers.
The Goal of Misterhost.NET
The goal is to provide outstanding services for the best possible price. To achieve these goals, they are constantly innovating and upgrading our services at no additional cost to customers. Come and join the thousands of other website owners that already have chosen Misterhost.NET, you won’t be disappointed!
Unlimited Hosting Special Features
Advertising Credits
Advertise your business or personal website for free with our $75 Adwords Credit on the most used search engine in the world; Google!
Free SSL’s
Free & Unlimited SSL Certificates will be generated automatically for every domain or subdomain hosted with misterhost.net.
Cloudlinux OS
You will be able to change PHP Versions (php 7.0 available), enable/disable php extensions or monitor resources usage with only a click.
Free DDoS Protection
Anti-DDoS infrastructure in order to protect your websites 24/7 against any type of DDoS attack, regardless of duration or size.
Free Malware Protection
Anti-Malware system to protect all your websites against hackers. Every file and folder uploaded will be scanned for malware.
Instant Backups
Create backups at any time with only a click. Once the backup is completed, you will be able to download your backup file.
Which Misterhost.NET plan should I get?
My recommendation is to start with a cheaper plan. You can always upgrade later on. Misterhost.NET can help you with the migration to a more expensive plan. The increase in visitors many times takes longer than expected and you shouldn’t pay a lot of money until the need arises. Of course, your needs may vary, and you can consult with a hosting expert from Misterhost.
How good is Misterhost.NET’s customer support?
Misterhost.NET is not ranked as one of our top web hosts. But that can also be a result of Misterhost.NET being a small, under the radar, hosting provider. There are advantages to a small hosting company – as a customer, you are more important to them