Introduction Getting a web hosting account with us is as easy as 1-2-3. All you need to do is to spend about 3 minutes to fill in Sign Up Form. Your web hosting account will be created instantly. In a few minutes you will receive welcome email with the instructions how to upload your site to server and how to log in your control panel, create email accounts, administer your web space etc. If you register a domain name during the sign up as part of your hosting package with us, your domain name will be setup instantly – not later, not tomorrow. Yes. offer a “no questions asked” anytime money back guarantee, so there’s no risk on signing up with us. The strive to make sure that clients are satisfied with services. If you cancel your hosting account will provide you with a refund for the remainder of the term. The refund will exclude any setup fees that were charged when you signed up and any domain registration fees that was included on the web hosting package as incur a cost for these. But you do get to keep your domain name. ask that you submit a cancellation notice 1 day prior to billing to prevent any automated charges from going through. The only way to cancel your account is to open new ticket to billing. Your welcome email should contain links for you to login along with the credentials. However you can also login to cPanel by using the quick login links located at the client portal. Yes, you may host multiple websites or domain names under one hosting account. See the web hosting packages page for more information. However, if you require multiple websites each with cPanel or with SSL enabled (which requires different IP addresses), you may also look on reseller hosting packages.
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Partners | Overview |
Company Name | |
Starting Price | $2.03 / mo |
Money Back | Any Time |
Company Type | Web Hosting |
Data Centers | United Stated |
Support | 24/7 |
Website Url | Click Here To Visit Company Official Website |
Creating an Account with Web Hosting
- Visit Official Website
- Click On Product Which You Want Purchase
- Once You Selected Your Product Click On Select Button
- Now You Redirect Domain Page Just Fill Domain Name And Process Next
- Now Asking Some Account Information Just Fill All Necessary Data
- Next Complete Your Payment
- Now You Are Done
Web Hosting in the Philippines Whether for your own personal website or online blog, personal web hosting packages are perfect for you. With cPanel web hosting and free one click script installs, installation of WordPress, Joomla, Magento and 50+ other scripts are made easier and convenient. Accounts are created instantly upon signing up if payment was made using your credit/debit card or your PayPal account. The also accept bank deposit and fund transfers to BDO and Metro bank accounts. We’re now accepting payments in any 7/11 and M Lhuillier branch nationwide.
Reseller Hosting in the Philippines Whether you want to sell web hosting services, your company requires more hosting space and bandwidth, you wish to include web hosting into your services, or you require multiple websites each with SSL security enabled, then reseller hosting packages are perfect for you. With Web Host Manager (WHM by cPanel), creation and management of multiple cPanel accounts are made easy. Accounts are created instantly upon signing up if payment was made using your credit/debit card or your PayPal account. The also accept bank deposit and fund transfers to BDO and Metrobank accounts. We’re now accepting payments in any 7/11 and M Lhuillier branch nationwide.
Managed Virtual Private Servers Whether you need complete control over the server, you need complete privacy, or you need to run custom services and web applications, Virtual Private Servers are perfect for you. The can customize all aspects of the operating system. Your VPS is power packed with Managed VPS service. Managed VPS includes initial setup and basic security, DNS or nameserver setup, server configuration and updates, firewall setup and configuration, installation and configuration of any third party plugins. **