About Thompson Cigar Affiliates Program
is the oldest mail order cigar company in the country. Thompson Cigar has always been devoted to delivering a wide selection of cigars and smoking accessories covering all price ranges and tastes. The various Thompson private label cigars reflect our keen desire to provide to customers the finest cigars at a fraction of what a comparable national brand would cost.
Thompson Cigar Affiliate Program offers a commission program that starts at 10%. Commissions grow rapidly to a maximum of 12% for monthly sales over $8,000! Simply sign up for the affiliate program, hosted by Commission Junction. Then once you’re approved, put one or more of links and banners on your site.
Thompson Cigar was founded in Key West, Florida, in 1915 and is the oldest mail order cigar company in the country. Thompson Cigar has always been devoted to delivering a wide selection of products covering all price ranges and tastes. The various Thompson private label cigars reflect keen desire to provide to you the finest cigars at a fraction of what a comparable national brand would cost.
Basic Information
Affiliate Basic | Details |
Product Name | Thompson Cigar Affiliate Program |
Commission Rate | 10% per sale, 12% for monthly sales over $8,000 |
Payment Frequency | Monthly |
Minimum Payment | $50 |
Payment Method | Check, ACH (Direct Deposit), Payoneer |
Official Affiliate Website | Click Here To Visit Official Website |
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